B L A C K . F L A X
Immerse yourself in the authentic aroma of nature's finest, meticulously curated to embody the essence of tikanga and kawa. Our products, infused with the spirit of our ancestors, reflect a harmonious blend of cultural expression and natural beauty. From handwoven artworks to organic skincare inspired by Rongoā Māori, every item is a unique cultural journey, inviting you to experience the artistry of Black Flax and embrace the mana of indigenous craftsmanship. Elevate your senses and connect with the soulful spirit of Aotearoa through our handcrafted treasures.
...........COMING SOON
Gift Boxes & Harakeke Seed Oil

Founded in 2017, Black Flax stands as a pioneering Māori-led whanau business, a collective of visionary individuals deeply rooted in Taiao innovation and united by a common passion for Matauranga Māori. At the heart of Black Flax Ltd's mission is a vision to weave threads of cultural awareness, understanding, and tikanga into the fabric of a broader and more diverse community. Our commitment extends beyond words; we're dedicated to the traditional restoration and preservation of our native rākau, fostering environments that thrive and cultivating a community of healthy, empowered individuals. With a focus on empowering hāpu to embrace their role as kaitiaki, we lead the charge in mahi tiaki taiao, offering innovative, intergenerational learning opportunities and Rongoā products that bridge the wisdom of our ancestors with the aspirations of today's generation.
Central to the ethos of the Black Flax whānau is the sacred duty of passing down ancestral skills and knowledge. This commitment underscores our resolve to empower our whanau, instilling a deep connection to the tikanga and kawa of our natural resources. Through these endeavors, we stand unwavering in our mission to preserve and uphold these time-honored practices within our community, nurturing a legacy that echoes through generations.
Our team is happy to answer your enquiries or questions. Fill out the form and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
Tel: 0221317348